Join Las Damas De Fairbanks
Become A Member of Las Damas De Fairbanks!
Open to all residents of Fairbanks Ranch. MEMBERSHIP for the 2024-2025 social season is only $85/year.
You may sign up via check, credit card or VENMO.
To pay by check: Please send your $85 check to:
Las Damas De Fairbanks
P.O. Box 8263
Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067.
Please make checks payable to Las Damas de Fairbanks.
To pay by VENMO @lasdamasdefairbanks or use QR code/button at the bottom of this section.
To pay by credit card, please click on
Whether you pay with check or Venmo, please include this information:
*Member’s Name
*Lot Number
*Email address
( ) Yes, I am interested in being a guest speaker at a Las Damas event &/or I have a favorite charity that I would like promote. If “yes”, please tell us more about your ideas.