Las Damas de Fairbanks Board
A Neighborhood Philanthropic Women's Group est. 1983
At Las Damas de Fairbanks, we are raising funds and promoting initiatives to help those who need it most. With an array of local San Diego fundraising events and volunteer projects, we welcome you, the residents of Fairbanks Ranch neighborhood, to join our endeavors aimed at making the world a better place.

Who We Are and What We Do
Who We Are: Since 1983, Las Damas has been a neighborhood women’s group, open to all residents of Fairbanks Ranch. We are a women's social and philanthropic organization. The ladies of Las Damas are committed to fostering both friendship and philanthropy through monthly member events.
When/Where We Meet: Las Damas meets once a month on Friday mornings at the Clubhouse.
What We Do: Las Damas invites its members to enjoy a different guest speaker and charity presentation. Previous speakers have included FBR resident Dr. Thomas Buchholz, the Helen Woodward Center, a Trish McEvoy make-up artist, Armstrong Gardens, DreamKeepers and Father Joe’s Village. Members have also been treated to private gourmet cheese and chocolate bonbon tastings. To raise funds for our featured charity, we offer opportunity baskets. The proceeds from the basket go to the charity. The meetings are catered by our board members and have a new theme every month.
How to join Las Damas: To join Las Damas for the September 2024 to June 2025 social season, please scroll down the membership section or click https://lasdamas.ticketspice.com/las-damas-membership-2024-25
How do I become a speaker or have my charity promoted by Las Damas: If you have an interesting job/hobby you would like to share with the community or if you have a local San Diego charity you would like to promote, please email us at lasdamasdefairbanks@gmail.com Thank you! From the Board of Las Damas De Fairbanks